Selasa, 25 Februari 2025
Rabu, 12 Februari 2025
Many of the most successful people in the world, such as Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffet, are voracious readers and credit their success in part to the knowledge they have gathered from all the books they have read. (Page 8)
But if you're reading heavier material, you might need to reduce your speed and re-read sentences multiple times to fully understand them. It all depends on how and where you apply your speed reading skills. (Page 12)
It's easy to see how this skill (Speed Reading) might breed confidence. You'll have the assurance of knowing that no matter what book, article, newspaper, etc., is put in front of you, you can understand it well and expand your knowledge base in ways that most others struggle to do. (Page 15)
If the title does not make it immediately obvious, reading the synopsis or index of the text will likely do the job. While this is one simple way to preview a text, (Page 18)
By reading the title and subheadings, we've acquired a superficial idea of what the book is about. (Page 19)
Depending on what kind of book you're reading, the introduction usually does a great job of summarizing all the various themes, idea, and arguments a book explores in the space of 10-20 pages. (Page 19)
You should read the first line after every heading. The first line usually reveals enough about the subheading to give you a decent idea of what's going to be discussed in that section. (Page 19)
Next, you're going to want to read the conclusion at the end of the book. The conclusion will summarize all the main themes and arguments the book has covered in a succinct manner, (Page 20)
The book doesn't have summaries, but the last paragraphs of each chapter do a good job of shedding light on the content of that chapter. (Page 25)
The elementary stage also applies to an adult who's learning a new language and has to be tained to understand new alphabets, vocabulary, and pronunciation. (Page 29)
You don't just read the text; you highlight or underline key points, and you make commentary or ask question. (Page 31)
You may not need all the knowledge at the moment, but understanding everything as a whole and how it fits together will help you with the small details and when you're in the weeds. (Page 34)
You can look for reading materials on, finding the ones that seem the most authoritative. The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) can help you find the most important European films for you to watch. (Page 36)
If a passage is difficult to understand, read it extremely slowly. If you aren't getting a sense of clarity about a certain part, stop, go back to the beginning, and reread it. (Page 38)
This is also the point where you take copious notes in the margins of the text and underline or highlight key points. (Page 39)
You can also make smart lifestyle choices such as improving your diet, quitting smoking, and avoiding squinting to keep your eyes healthy for a long time. (Page 72)
Erina : Mas suka sama Scarlett Johansson nggak? Dan kenapa?
Abi : Suka, karena dia seksi. (Page 53)
Siapa namanya?
Pandu. (Page 57)
Biarkan saja gadis itu pergi..., biarkan.... (Page 86)
Mungkin dia seorang penguntit. Stalker. (Page 109)
Satu mawar untuk satu rindu. Akankah rasa rindu tersampaikan melalui bunga ini? (Page 109)
Aku hamil.
Ya udah, kita nikah secepatnya. (Page 179)
Lo beres kuliah jam berapa?
Jam duaan.
Gue jemput, ya. Di kampus apa di rumah?Kampus aja. (Page 181)
Pedofilia itu penyakit kejiwaan yang mengarah pada pelecehan seksualitas terhadap anak di bawah umur tiga belas, dan itu bukan penyakit keturunan. (Page 205)
Kelas perkuliahan itu tidak sepi dan tak ada keheningan di sana, hanya saja Abi merasa dia seorang diri di kelas itu karena tidak ada yang mengajaknya berbicara. Itu karena dia tidak mengikuti masa OSPEK. Akibatnya, ia tidak memiliki satu orang pun yang ia kenal. Semua mahasiswa membentuk kelompok berdasarkan kelompok-kelompok mereka ketika OSPEK. Ada beberapa kubu yang terdiri dari tiga sampai enam orang. Duduk berjajar di depannya. (Page 261)
Dengan ini, Ananda Erina Prima Brawijaya saya nyatakan lulus sebagai Sarjana Arsitektur. (Page 321)
Sebelum tidur, ia membuka akun Instagramnya dan mengecek beberapa hal. (Page 336)
Abi benar-benar anak yang sangat rajin belajar di usia mudanya. Itu terbukti dari banyaknya buku berbahasa Inggris yang tersusun di lemarinya. Sepertinya hanya skateboard dan bola kaki yang menjadi pilihan Abi untuk berolahraga. (Page 348)
Sebentar lagi, Abi. Sebentar lagi gadis itu akan jadi milik kamu seutuhnya. (Page 349)
Saya terima nikah dan kawinnya Erina Prima Brawijaya Binti Hartawan Brawijaya dengan maskawin tersebut tunai. (Page 386)
Di minggu pagi yang damai, ruang tamu apartemen Abi terlihat sangat berantakan akibat adanya pergumulan hebat di malam sebelumnya. (Page 435)
Jangan sampai cerai. (Page 468)
Taman kota itu terlihat lebih ramai oleh orang-orang yang sedang berolahraga di car free day minggu pagi ini. (Page 469)
Selamat, ya. Aku lihat di sosmed kamu udah nikah dan dari postingan foto-foto kamu di Instagram, kamu kayak yang bahagia banget. (Page 476)
Bayi perempuan itu lahir pukul 12.05 malam. Dengan berat 3,2 kilogram dan panjang 51 sentimeter. (Page 482)